The word surrender usually brings a feeling of unease to people minds. Ordinarily it is the feeling that only weaklings surrender, people who are weak! Surrender is not a word often associated with positive actions. After all, "surrender in the name of the law" usually means trouble for someone. And we know that when one side surrenders to another in battle, it's a sign that they've given up any hope for victory. This is absolutely wrong.
So what is this Surrender? Surrender means to yield ownership, to relinquish control over what we consider ours. Surrender means you are feeling that you are not capable of doing anything anymore, so you surrender everything. In the external act of placing what one considers important to oneself at the Masters feet, one gives a bit of oneself to a Higher Source. In giving, one feels lighter within, less limited. Placing the I and the Mine at the masters feet, helps one to lose the identity or ego which is the only thing the guru asks for - the limited identity of the disciple, so he may leave it behind and grow into the limitlessness of the Supreme. To surrender one needs to be extremely courageous, because once you surrender there is no going back. There are no questions. It is unconditional. Surrender to anything or anyone, and see how much you will learn from it. There is nothing more beautiful and liberating than this wonderful act of surrender.
Whenever one is able to surrender, the master will appear. In surrender one becomes vacant, empty. Then the spiritual force rushes towards you and fills you. Whenever the opportunity arises in your life, just Surrender! Do not lose the moment. Surrender! And the master will be there for you. This is just the beginning… of ones Transformation.
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