When you watch something, everything that you see gets recorded in you. When you sit with the Master, nothing gets recorded inside you…only the Energy gets recorded! You will sit for 10 hours with me but you will not be able to recall anything that I said because I don’t allow you to record anything. I flood my Consciousness into your Being so that the recordings from your past get burnt away.
Upanishad means sitting with the Master. For enlightenment, you need 3 things – sitting with the Master, sitting with the Master and sitting with the Master…
The great enlightened Master Shankara sang:
Satsangatve nissangatvam, nissangatve nirmohatvam, nirmohatve nischalathatvam, nischalathatve jeevan mukthi hee.
It means: when you sit with the Master, you don’t accumulate new engrams – memories. And the old engrams lose their power over you. When they lose power over you, they disappear and when they disappear you become enlightened!
I will not add more engrams to you. I don’t work on your intellect, I work with your energy. How do you find out if you have carried back energy or engrams from me? If you are alert and alive, it is energy, if you are dull and tired, it is engrams.
"The presence of the Master is like phosphorus:
wherever you keep it, it burns away everything"
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