Somebody once asked Swamiji: How can one recognize an enlightened master?
It’s a very difficult answer. Not that it’s difficult to find out if one is enlightened. It will take but just one moment. The question is difficult because – if you have no urge, no desire to find, then there is no way anyone can help you to find. Depending on how thirsty you are, when you are in a desert, you will know when you find real water because your thirst will be quenched. If it’s a mirage and you thought it was real and ran towards it, you will know as soon as you come close to it, that it’s not real. If you are really hungry, your appetite will be satisfied when you eat food. But if you are not hungry, how can food satisfy you? It is very difficult for a man who is not hungry to find out what food is. If you have an appetite and hunger then something about being around an enlightened master will start satisfying your desire. Your mind will calm down, your being will start feeling a sense of peace. Its like you have come back home where you belong. This is the only way.
A small story: A man walked into the police station to report that his wife was missing. The sergeant began writing up the case.
"How tall is she?"
"About so high, give or take a little."
"How much does she weigh?"
"About average, I guess."
"Color of eyes?"
"I would say they were neutral. I'm not too sure."
"Color of hair?"
"I don't know, it changes."
"What was she wearing?"
"I suppose a hat and coat."
"Was she carrying anything?"
Yes, she had a dog on a leash."
"What kind of dog?"
"A pedigreed black-and-white German shepherd, weighing fifty pounds, six hands high, license No. 780108976 C.D.2, wearing a black collar, slightly deaf in the right ear, and answers to the name Sheru."
Do you see what I mean? If you really have the desire to know, you will know! If you don’t have the desire to know, nothing can be done. If you are just greedy but have no appetite you will not know what is food. Nothing can help you, until you develop an appetite. And this has to happen naturally. It cannot be forced.
Only a person who has lived life fully and enjoyed it and now has a desire to go beyond and learn about the life beyond will recognize immediately when they come across an enlightened person. It is impossible to miss. Recognition needs no knowledge or declaration of ones enlightenment. One simply knows.
The truth is whatever you have found in life is that what you have intensely desired. Be it a hellish life or a life of joy and fulfillment. It has been what you have wished for. I know its hard to accept, but if you haven’t yet got what you wanted and have not been able to recognize an enlightened master when you come across one, then its time you looked IN.
There have been instances where people who are not enlightened have helped others to get enlightened. It is said that if the desire of the seeker is tremendous, even an unenlightened master can help you get enlightened. With deep trust even an unenlightened master can revolutionize your life. However the reverse is also true. Even an enlightened master cannot help you if you are not ready. It depends on you. It totally depends on you!