Masters call


Entering onto the path is a Divine decision. It is not yours. It is God's. There is an ancient saying: Before a man decides to seek God, God has already decided to seek him. Without His decision, our decisions are impotent.

Only when He decides, our decisions have power enough to become fulfilled. Our decisions are always wavering, always divided. Our decision is at the most a majority decision, a parliamentary decision. However, that which is in the minority may become the majority tomorrow; and that which is in the majority today may not be in the majority tomorrow. Our decisions are unreliable; they are not total.

When God decides in our innermost core, the decision and commitment are total. The involvement is irrevocable. We cannot go back. The decision is bigger than us. It possesses us and we become overwhelmed by it. Only then is true discipleship born. Without God deciding for us, our decisions are of little value.

Remember that this is God's decision on your behalf. You are a medium, a vehicle for His decision to be fulfilled in life. Then things will start happening with such intensity, depth, and speed, that one remains constantly in surprise at what is happening and why it is happening, because we don't feel ourselves worthy enough and yet it happens.

Blissful effort is needed for growth. Ordinary effort won't do. It must be blissful. The moment effort becomes blissful it is almost effortless. It is effortless effort when it is blissful. When it is not blissful, it is a strain. And one can enter into the world of God only in a deep, restful mood. Hence the seeker must fulfill a paradox: he must make efforts. Certainly he must be industrious, but his effort must be a special kind of effort. It must be effortless. There should be no strain or tension in it. It should be more like play than work.

One should enjoy it. One should not do it like a duty. One should make it a joy unto itself, as if one is unconcerned about the result. The result comes whenever we are ripe. There is no need to think about it.

It comes of its own accord. Existence is fair and just. It gives what you deserve. There is not a moment's delay. If you don't deserve it, it doesn't happen no matter how much effort you make.

Right effort is effort that is not an effort. It is joy, play, love and bliss. Then miracles start happening. We are entitled to miracles, yet we never fulfill the basic condition. This is the basic condition. Then miracles are as ordinary as everything else.

The Master's appearance in your life is a summons. It is God calling you. It is good that you heard it!'
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