The Eternal Relationship


What is a relationship?

That which can reveal to you dimensions in you which you don’t even know exist inside you, giving you the experience and thus proving to you that you are also capable of loving someone or something. It shows you can also love, you can also sacrifice to that extent for someone.

Relationship is that which awakens the unknown dimensions in you. A relationship with anyone or anything will lead you to the Ultimate relationship - with the Master.

When you fall in love whether it is with a boy or girl or a deity or a guru, you see dimensions of you that you never knew existed inside you. You become more responsible. You are able to experience the juice of life.

The relationship with the Master, who is One with Existence, is deeper than any other relationship; it is a Being level connection.

The form of the Master is the bridge between the Ultimate and you. Because the form is an embodiment of the Ultimate, it has both the dimensions, of man and God. When you relate with not only the form but the concept the form stands for, you reach the knowledge of the Ultimate.

The Master is all forms; and no form. He refuses to be captured in a frame, turned into a stone or worshipped as an image. The Master is beyond forms; beyond dimensions. He is infinite dimensional; infini-D!

He relates to us on multiple frames and planes, each one of which unveils the delicately beautiful and intense nature of the unique relation he has with every single being that has the fortune of entering his space.

We can relate with the Master through the various relationships in our life.
Be it dasa bhava, the master servant relationship as existed between Rama and Hanuman, or vatsalya bhava, mother’s love, as between Yasoda and Krishna, or sakha bhava, friendship, as between Krishna and Arjuna, or matru bhava, a child’s love for the mother as between Ramakrishna and Mother Kali, or madhura bhava, the love of the beloved, as between Radha and Krishna, each bhava, the attitude, is unique to that relationship between that disciple and the Master.
Each disciple on his or her quest for the Truth traverses a uniquely beautiful path with the Master as he leads you from the darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge.

Whenever a disciple just sits in the presence of the Master, the same experience of enlightenment which happened in the Master is reproduced in the disciple. This great happening is what is Upanishad -just sitting.

Gurum Bhajé - Guru Poornima 2008 celebrations with Paramahamsa Nithyananda on 17th July at Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam, Off Mysore Road, Bidadi-562109, India
Ph: 080 - 27202084, 080 - 65591844

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